Dr Diana Richards

Policymaker in judicial and justice policy. Quantitative and comparative researcher. Experiential teacher. Psychology, neuroscience and data enthusiast. New technologies trendsetter.

PhD Judicial Studies (2018): “Learning to Judge: An Empirical Study of Judicial Attitudes to Training and Sentencing in Romania
LLM Constitutional Law and Political Institutions (2011): “Judicial Appointment and Training in Romania”
MA Legal and Political Theory (2010): “Portraying the Judge in the 21st Century: A Matter of Reflective Equilibrium between Theory and Practice”
BA Philosophy of Law (2009): “The Role of the Judge Within the Legal System: Discretion and Procedural Constraints”
BA Communication and PR (2008): “Libel and Slander in Mass Media”


2017-         Internal Reward&Recognition awards for high performance, Ministry of Justice, UK

2016          Associate Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, UK
2015          Stan Marsh Bursary, Association of Law Teachers, UK
2013-5       UCL Laws Faculty Research Scholarship
2013          Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK
2012          Grant “Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality”, Max Planck Institute, Germany
2011          Nominated “Student of the Year” at the Gala for Awards in Education, Romania
2010          Partial scholarship, Oricum Association, Romania
2009          Full “Open Horizons” scholarship, Dinu Patriciu Foundation, Romania
2009          Partial study grant, Ratiu Family Foundation, UK
2009          Full study grant, European College of Liberal Arts, Germany
2007          Full study grant, European College of Liberal Arts, Germany
2006          Full scholarship, “Undergraduate Exchange Program”, Open Society Institute, USA
2004-9      Merit awards each year for top results, University of Bucharest, Romania

Diana is simply one of the most remarkable graduate students I have encountered throughout my 30+ year career. Her raw intelligence is or should be obvious, but she combines this with an ability to use that intelligence, a considerable self-confidence, and an admirable creativity.[…] Although her talents in the philosophy of law are clear, it is noteworthy and unqualifiedly positive that she is sceptical about the current agenda in the philosophy of law, and wants to combine philosophical work with empirical work in experimental psychology and political science, and in addition wants to make contributions that will connect with actual problems in actual legal systems. This is plainly a positive, and she is likely to be a jurisprudential pathbreaker in future years. Frederick Schauer, David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Virginia

Diana has a real inclination toward theoretical thinking, argumentation and debate and toward the practical application – social, moral and political – of philosophical ideas. I got the chance to work with her at several courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ontology, Philosophy of Biology, and she displayed a pronounced analytical spirit and a real inclination toward critical thinking and argumentation. Dr Laurentiu Staicu, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy